What is 5 Element Acupuncture?
What does Acupuncture treat?
About Mark Tibeau, L.Ac
Why Five Elements?
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What is the format of treatment
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What is 5 Element Acupuncture?

Five Element Acupuncture helps create physical, physiological, mental, and emotional change through the natural energies already within us. A Five Element Acupuncture practitioner moves these energies using a treatment plan that is individually tailored to fit your present condition. Acupuncture helps create health and healing without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Five Element Acupuncture treatments are enhanced when we live in ways that promote wellness. Healthy living complements the formal treatments offered at the 5 Element Acupuncture Clinic. By improving diet, getting exercise, reducing stress, and other healthy changes, you support the energy work of acupuncture and, in turn, acupuncture supports and enhances your ability to seek healthier living.