What is 5 Element Acupuncture?
What does Acupuncture treat?
About Mark Tibeau, L.Ac
Why Five Elements?
About Insurance Coverage
What is the format of treatment
How does Chinese Medicine look at illness?

What is the Format of Diagnosis and Treatment?

Traditional Oriental Medical Diagnosis consists of a thorough examination of the present condition, and a complete medical and life history. Your practitioner will combine this information with a physical assessment that includes a reading of the twelve pulses to determine the condition and level of energy in every part of the anatomy in order to determine your course of treatment. Treatment with acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles at particular points along energy pathways or Meridians. With proper usage of these points, the Qi (chi) energy flow of your organs and extremities is restored, adjusted, and equalized. This approach creates a healing that occurs from the inside out. Occasionally, the Qi-energy is additionally warmed and invigorated by burning a small cone of a special herb called Moxa over the acupuncture point; also known as Moxibustion.

How many treatments will be needed and how frequently?

Treatment is given on a weekly basis, occasionally twice a week for certain situations. It is usually necessary to receive 6-8 weeks of treatment in order to accomplish significant sustainable progress in your healing. Because each situation is different, your practitioner can recommend to you the frequency and duration of treatment that will best fit your individual needs.

How do I schedule an appointment?

All treatments are by appointment only. Please call 206-781-1371 for treatment in the Seattle office. Initial acupuncture visits require 1.5 hours and return visits require approximately 45 minutes.

In consideration of others access to available scheduling times, please give adequate notice if you need to change an appointment. Late cancellations or missed appointments may be charged the full fee.

Do the Needles Hurt?

This is a common question. The answer varies from person to person because the experience of feeling the energy shift inside the body is so new to most people that it is difficult to find words to describe the sensation. However this sensation is experienced, be assured that it cannot be compared to getting a "shot" from a Western medical doctor.

Please Note:

  • Acupuncture is an effective form of medicine without side effects.
  • Only sterile one-time use disposable needles are used.